Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A Ruby By Any Other Name (The Mystic Mug Midweek Blog)

Moan Alert!

Now there are occasions when I have to read a race ... that is r-e-a-d a race (and not calculate how it will run) rather than watch it.  There are various apps to convey the way that a race is panning out but the easiest (and cheapest!) is the Racing Post one.  EXCEPT when it tells you not a thing, not a hint, clue or inkling ...take this example from Monday 02 July.  

I can only think that whatever apparatus they have to convey the race commentary was left in the hands of either a dyslexic monkey or a church hall full of toddlers with some hot keys!

I was studying the form for Gowran Park for Tuesday's racing and came across Takashi Kodama (trainer) who has stables at The Curragh.  I am no expert in the Gaelic language but even I know this isn't an Irish name!  I did some research and after discounting the Biomolecular Engineer Takashi Kodama from Stanford Uni in the US and the Japanese actor Takashi Kodama , I learned that this Takashi Kodama (a) would have had a few runners this evening (Wed) at Fairyhouse had the meeting not been abandoned and (b) appears to have had his last win with Pop Rock at Galway back in July 2010.  I don't think Aiden or Dermot need worry......

Mick Easterby is having a tough time of it lately with 0 from 27 runners at the time of writing.  The very fact that I have mentioned this unflattering stat on here will inevitably mean a U-turn in the stable's fortunes with winners to follow.  If this happens then I shall change my name to Mystic Mug,  purchase a string of horses and name them "Vauxhall" something or other.....

Irish jockeys have been asked to use their first names on racecards, media etc - following in the footsteps of the BHA in the UK from a couple of years ago.  A handful have declined:  Joseph O'Brien and Ruby Walsh amongst them.  They will remain JP O'Brien and R. Walsh.  I think I'm surprised at this!  Ruby is a well-known a nickname (named for his Grandad) and his real name is Rupert so maybe I'm not so surprised....

The middle draw at Catterick over a mile and a half is a nasty place to be (only 8% win) and a jockey with a good track record here is more important than usual over this same distance.  

In the 16:50 this leads me to a short list of two:  Sartingo who looks to be an obvious candidate but also Arizona High wearing a first time visor and whose trainer (Andrew Crook) had a 20/1 winner just 10 days ago.
Like all good priced each ways, Arizona High came 4th at 40/1 after making up some headway in the final furlong - watch for him next time out.  Sartingo = no excuses

In Div II at 17:20 I have arrived at Eijaaz and Goodness - both runners with strong claims. Silvestre has partnered Eijaaz 16 times in total resulting in 4 wins, 4 seconds, 2 thirds - not a bad record.  Couple this with an excellent track record of 7 wins from 29 visits and Eijaaz looks to have the key to winning around here - but then at the age of 11, he should know a thing or two.  However, Goodness's combo of O'Meara/Tudhope have the best trainer and jockey records of the field for 4yo runners here and the horse is also dropping down a grade.  He is still a maiden after 13 starts though!  Difficult but experience edges it for me and I'll go small on Eijaaz with more pennies on a reverse forecast between the two.  
Eijaaz's old legs managed 2nd and Goodness is not a Catterick horse !

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