Sunday, 17 June 2012

The Getting Ready for Royal Ascot Blog

Cheers Kieren!
Yesterday, Kieren Fallon bought me a toaster.  A snazzy four sliced, variable width one which has purple lights and everything!  His ride on Navajo Chief was a glimpse of the sheer driving riding genius which we haven't been seeing so much of recently.  Navajo Chief looked to have been beaten about 100y from the line by Area Fifty One (Paul Hanagan) but Fallon turned on the drive, the horse dug deep and came back to win very gamely by a neck - particularly impressive in this 9f race since he had never previously even placed beyond a mile.  You can see the race here.  

However, my husband with his unique system of picking horses with Indian (native American!) names has suggested that the name is the real reason it won.  I will never (be allowed to) forget Chief Dan George's 33/1 win at Cheltenham Festival in 2010!

Needless to say, I had backed Navajo Chief (and tipped it on the alternate blog) hence the new toaster. That was the practical acquisition.  The impractical acquisition was the chocolate red wine I bought - which being a migraine sufferer (chocolate and red wine are most conducive to migraines!) I'm not sure if I dare open!

Can you believe that people exist within the general population who have no inkling that two of the best racehorses this generation will be racing at Ascot this week?  They may even think that Frankel is Frank Lampard's MC name and that there is a sudden unexplained trend at certain gatherings for Beluga!  I for one, am really looking forward to this years Royal Ascot but am now regretting my decision not to have booked the week off work as I did last year...... 

Frankel ....not to be confused with Frank L

The past week's racing has been littered with runners "needing this to get into Ascot".  The trouble with this little red herring was that if you looked at the races they were running, chances are that there were one or two others with the same entries and current ratings.  I haven't backed anything antepost apart from Dawn Approach in the Coventry (Tuesday) - a horse that I have heard the trainer (Bolger) thinks a lot of.

Today's selections will be up on in a short while and this blog will be back in action for Ascot tomorrow night..........

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